Elon Musk is one of the most successful people in the world.  His success ranges from electric cars to space travel.  The book talks about the passion and abilities of Elon, helping to save humanity from destruction.  This goal led him to work on solar energy, electric cars, space exploration and had tremendous success.

 Elon Musk managed to succeed twice in the tech industry, something that most tech entrepreneurs cannot do once.  Musk differed in his inspirations from a typical businessman.  He says first: the desire to help humanity with deep sympathy.  It is concerned about the use of fossil fuels and the threat of asteroids on Earth and the rehabilitation of humanity on Mars.

 Through their extreme determination of achieving things, Musk often sets very ambitious goals, which are sometimes unrealistic.  He is also known for assigning unbelievable workload and verbally abusing his employees.

 Musk sees no other priorities than changing the history of the world.  He once publicly reprimanded an employee, who opted to attend the birth of his son instead of organizing the company.

 People revere Musk for his work ethic.  People know what makes them successful.  Kasturi Gas is a tedious weekly program.  He spends Monday morning through Tuesday night at SpaceX, then flies to Silicon Valley to work at Tesla on Wednesday and Thursday.  Then flight back to Los Angeles.  You really believe what you are doing, so you can continue that lifestyle.

 His education was difficult in South Africa.  He did not have many friends.  Musk's parents split up.  He chose to stay with his father, to keep him company, even though it was very difficult to do so, as there was confusion between them.  He was regularly bullied at school, and once had to miss an entire week of school due to the severe beating he received.

 Musk turned to books to avoid the difficulties of everyday life.  Musk had a photographic memory.  He read two encyclopedias and memorized "everything".  His favorite book was:  “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.  This book has taught you that it is easy to answer a question, but at first it was difficult to know what is the right question.

 Musk was learning entrepreneurship when he was young.  When we were just 12 years old, we were selling their video game blaster for $ 500.  In high school, he already formed very strong opinions about solar power, colonization of other planets, paperless banking, and space rockets.

 Elon fled Canada from military service in South Africa, although he originally wanted to go to the United States.  He attended Queens University, where his confidence began to grow and his character took shape.  He became even more ambitious.  She began participating in a public speech contest, studying business, and kidnapping the woman of her dreams: Justin Wilson, who ended up being the mother of his 6 children.

 At first Justine had no interest in Elon.  She defends him for her first date, but she won't take an answer.  He was persistent and, through a friend of his, discovered his favorite ice cream flavor.  She then appeared with him, at Justin's house.  Through determination, this success became Musk's permanent focus in all walks of life.

 Musk spent 2 years at Queens University in Canada, but transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where he continued to perform well.  He felt very comfortable with his fellow physics students, some of whom proved to be personally and financially valuable.  Elon and his close friend Adeo Rossi rented a 14-room house and threw parties there, charging a $ 5 entry fee.  One night, Musk earned enough money for the full month's rent.

 After Musk graduated, he was eager to get on a dotcom car.  He founded the Global Link Information Network in 1995, which was renamed Zip2, helping businesses that had no Internet Connect address.  Most companies dismissed the Internet as a fad, or did not understand it.  While running this company, Elon and his brother received many types of rejections.

 Venture firm Mohr Davido Ventures recognizes Musk's drive and invests in its startup, positions Musk as CEO and hires Rich Sorkin.  They modified the entire technical process, hired better engineers, shortened heavy code, and simplified processes.  Elon was consistently surprised by offering unrealistic estimates.  When they said that it would take some 1 hour, the owners knew that it would take 1 day.  When 1 day was estimated, the owners knew it would take 1 week.

 In February 1999, Compaq Computer offered to pay $ 307 million for Zip 2 in cash.  Musk, however, was not interested in working for Compaq, and was already planning to become a successful CEO.

 With the money from the Compaq acquisition, Musk bought a McLaren sports car, a condo and a support plane.  The rest of the money went to a new Internet company: X.com

 At this time, consumers were very reluctant to share financial data online.  Elon partnered with Barclays and FDIC Insurance, and was able to set up the first online bank, offering three mutual funds from which investors could choose.

 Musk competed as Peter Thiel and Max Levchin in Kasturi and his new product PayPal.  There was a brief fight between Confinity and X.com, but they soon decided to join forces due to complementary positions: Confinity's sexy products, PayPal and X.com's top money and banking products.  Therefore, this merger made sense.

 Two months after the merger, Thiel resigned and Levchin threatened to do the same.  Musk continued to pressure the X.com brand, although most employees preferred PayPal.  The company was divided, and its websites were often down and its computer systems were frequently crashing.

 Then there was a coup against Musk, who removed him as CEO and replaced him with Peter Thiel.  This is when Musk went on his honeymoon.  Musk was left as a consultant to the company.  The company changed its name from X.com to PayPal.  In 2002, it was sold to eBay for $ 1.5 billion.  Musk's stake was $ 250 million.  This set him up to achieve his wildest dreams.

 In 2001, on his 30th birthday, Musk moved to Los Angeles, just around the corner from the center of the space industry.  Kasturi always wanted to join the space.  Their first project was to join up with the Mars Society, which they wanted to put mice in space to demonstrate the viability of life in space.  Musk liked the plan, but instead had to bring it directly to Mars.  The plan was eventually abandoned.

 In June 2002, Elon launched SpaceX.  (Space Exploration Technique).  He wanted it to be the "South-West Airlines of Space".  At this time, $ 30 million was spent on sending £ 500 to the class.  Elon improved it and sent 1,400 pounds into space with the Falcon 1 rocket at a cost of $ 6.9 million.

 Musk had extremely aggressive targets for his first release.  He wanted the first engine to be completed in May 2003, the second engine in June, the rocket body in July, and the complete assembly in September, launching in November.  It will launch only 15 months after the company's launch ...

 Musk knew that most releases had failed to date, for example: 20 of Atlas' 9 had failed.  I was ready for failure.  In fact, it took them 4 years to achieve the first successful launch.  This dedication paid off, as SpaceX became the first commercial company to reclaim it on Earth with the Dragon capsule being brought into space and landing in the ocean.

 Electric cars were not considered great by Elon Musk before he spoke.  Musk helped the world recognize electric car technology as exciting and continuous progress.

 J.B.  Strabel, Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpening were already working on lithium ion electric cars.  Eberhard and Tarpening founded Tesla Motors on 1 July 2003.  Strabel supported him.

 Tesla's first product was the "Tezzero", a Lotus Allies body, and propulsion technology licensed by AC Propulsion.  The Terrero was supposed to be more fast and fully electric than the Ferrari.  No one would invest in the idea at the time, other than Elon Musk, who would invest $ 6.5 million.  This made Elon the sole shareholder and chairman of the company.  He wanted to revolutionize electric cars and eliminate polluting emissions.

 For 2012, the Tesla Model S has been named the motor trend "Car of the Year".  Consumer Reports gave it the highest rating of 99/100.  Tesla is considered the most successful startup car company since Chrysler in 1925.  The Model S has been dubbed "Computer on Wheels" because it had consistent Internet access at the time of launch and a buttonless start.

 Musk is now involved in 3 businesses: SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity, a common goal of "survival of the human species".

 Musk worked closely with the Rive brothers, who spent 2 years studying the feasibility of solar energy.  The main problems were: the cost of installation and installation of the panels.  They needed someone to define the entire process: from purchase to installation.

 Elon Musk joined the Rive brothers to become president and largest shareholder.  Six years later, SolarCity became the largest solar panel installer in the United States.  SolarCity was valued at around $ 7 billion in 2014, and has expanded into the business sector, serving customers such as Walmart and Intel.

 SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla strategically complement each other.  This is the common and ambitious goal: a sustainable life for all humans.

 Musk's plans are often regarded by people as "exaggerated".  One of these schemes is Hyperloop, a large-scale pneumatic tube used for fast, short-distance transportation using pods for people and cars.  This idea differs from similar designs already proposed through the use of low pressure and floating sheets.  The capsules have built-in motors for additional boost, but the main boost comes from electromagnetic pulses.  It is a solar powered system that gives the capsule a top speed of 800 mph, allowing you to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes.

 Tesla plans to have a Model X SUV, followed by a Model 3 sedan, which will cost only $ 35,000.

 Gigafactory will be the largest lithium-ion battery manufacturing factory in the world, supplying the market with enough batteries for all vehicles and charging stations to allow full electric driving over long distances.

 SpaceX is testing its ability to bring people into space and to the International Space Station in 2016.  Elon's dream is to be the first man to set foot on Mars.

 Musk has been married 3 times, two of which were from the same woman.  Kasturi is impulsive and romantic, yet his wives often accuse him of lacking compassion.  Musk gave Justin an ultimatum in June 2008, asking them to fix their marriage immediately, on the same day, or file for divorce the next morning.  Justin wanted to wait another week.  So Musk filed for divorce the next morning.

 After the divorce, Musk suffered emotionally.  His friend Bill Lee organized a trip to London to try to lift his spirits.  Musk met the 22-year-old actress: Talullah Riley, who later became his second wife.  She divorced Riley in 2012.  They soon remarried, only to be divorced again in 2014.

 Elon Musk has been described by many of his staff as "tough and eccentric".  She fired her most loyal assistant: Mary Beth Brown, even as she was incredibly unified, about her interests, doing many things for him.  When he applied for additional compensation, he asked him to take a 2-week leave, during which he would do his own work and decide if there was merit in that application.  When she returned, he told her that she no longer needed him.

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