Although Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine, it originated in India for centuries and homeopathy gradually leaves an impression among the various systems of medicine available, but when it comes to choosing the preferred medicine, allopathy is still  Most taken in the market.

 With the confusion and myths associated with these drugs, it is important to compare all these drug systems (allopathy, homeopathy, and Ayurveda) in order to discover the main differences between them and get an idea of ​​which ideal.  Or appropriately different diseases at different times.


 Allopathy is derived from the Greek word állos (other or different) + pathos (disease or suffering), meaning "other than disease".  Allopathy is basically a part of the Western therapeutic framework and is spread around the world.  It is received by most countries around the world and is commonly called drug therapy.  Allopathy is basically a drug-oriented method and is based on three things, hypothesis, experimentation and outcome of experimentation.

 In this method, allopathic practitioners are restricted from arguing what they can do with the argument that they have to focus only on the symptoms of a disease and not on the causes of those symptoms.  It takes one pill for every evil and then one pill for all its side effects.  Allopathy is known to offer only a partial cure, as drugs are made only to correct the reaction, not the root cause.  The effectiveness of allopathic medicines during an emergency is the root cause that it is adopted by most people worldwide.


 Homeopathy, the name is derived from two Greek words (hómoios + pathos) which means "like a disease".  This means that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person will be cured in the sick person.  (I am sure you will read this again) According to this method, substances that produce the symptoms of a disease have a curative effect on a sick person with the same symptoms, when administered in very dilute amounts.

 Homeopathy is a holistic system of treatment that originated in the 18th century and has proven to be safe, effective and curative.  For the last 200 years, it has been used by millions of people.  It incorporates the body's natural response system by attacking the root cause of the disease or encouraging healing symptoms.  That is why it is intended to cure a disease completely.  Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic and have no side effects.  It works by using very small doses of potential substances to stimulate the immune system which helps the patient to heal naturally.


 Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word formed from two words, "Ayus" which means life and "Veda" which means knowledge or science.  So the term Ayurveda looks like "knowledge of life".

 Ayurveda is also known as the science of naturopathy because it derives its medicines exclusively from nature.  Ayurveda originated in India and has a 5000 year old medical knowledge system.  According to Ayurveda, body, mind and soul are interconnected.

 Which treatment should you follow?

 All systems of medicine, allopathy, homeopathy and Ayurveda have their own merits and demerits, and their choice should depend on disease, cause of disease, possible form of treatment, etc.  Homeopathy is really effective in treating acute and chronic diseases as it is treated.  The root cause of the disease is not in the case of allopathy.  There is a good system of research, testing and practice in allopathy.  It is based on many tests, techniques, scans, surgeries etc.  And it has been widely used around the world, but it turns into a cause rather than ameliorating the symptoms of the disease.  In addition, allopathy is also associated with side effects and allergies.

 Ayurveda and Homeopathy believe in an individualistic approach and treat patients accordingly.  Apart from medicine, these types of treatments focus on complete lifestyles, such as diet, attitude, exercise, and so on.  But there are some gaps in these methods.  There is a shortage of professionals, a lack of adequate scientific research and investigation, and adequate boards to administer or standardize medicines.

 It is important to realize that one form of the medication system may be effective for one person or a particular disease at one time, but may not be for any other time.

 Choosing the best treatment option for a particular disease has always been misleading for you, given the properties and properties of available treatment methods, namely allopathy, homeopathy and Ayurveda.

 To help you, we have made a detailed comparison between the three medicines which will allow you to know everyone's merits and demerits and choose accordingly.