The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Successful self-help tips that tell you to imagine success and to think about the type of person you are not a person you want to reinforce.
 Everyone wants to convey to you that the secret of a good life is a good job or a good car or ex-girlfriend.
 Don’t give more shit about the key to a good life;  It's nonsense about the low, just a nod to the truth and instant and important.
 We no longer face material crisis.  We have plenty of resources: we don't need TVs and clothes and accessories.  The problem we are facing is existential and spiritual.  We have so much stuff and so many opportunities that we don't know what to do now.
 Because there are infinite things that we can see or know now, there are infinite ways through which we can know that we do not measure, we are not very good, things are not as great.  May be
 The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience.  And, on the contrary, acceptance of one's negative experience is a positive experience.
 The perfection of something only ensures that you lack it in the first place.
 Accepting your life experience to be great and amazing is a great thing you can do for your happiness.
 "If you seek happiness you will never be happy. If you seek the meaning of life you will never live." - Albert Camus
 Everything meaningful in life wins by having a related negative experience.
 If you cannot give a shit about the pain you need for your goal, you will become invincible.
 The moments that we do not head on and take action are the moments that define the trajectory of our lives.
 You will die one day.  Everyone knows you're dying soon.  And in your short life you only have to fuck a certain amount.
 How to focus and prioritize your ideas effectively is based on personal well-meaning personal values, perhaps the biggest and most important struggle in life.
 Subtraction # 1: Don't be fooled by the nonsense.  It means you feel comfortable being apart.  Don't just say for the sake of the unimportant, avoid everything in life.
 Subtraction # 2: In order not to touch on adversity, you must first remember something more important than adversity.
 Fine # 3: Whether you realize it or not, you are always choosing what to go for.  The key is to gently prick up the issues you care about, so that you only get one fuck at the most important events.
 When a person does not have a problem, the mind automatically looks for ways to invent something.
 I think most people - especially the educated, middle-class whites - see the "problems of life" as the only side effect of not doing something more important than worrying.
 Finding something important and meaningful in your life is probably the most productive use of your time and energy.
 It’s okay to suck things up for a while.
 Practical knowledge is to feel comfortable with the idea that some trouble is always inevitable.
 Grief has no value without purpose.
 Don't expect life without problems.  Let's hope you get on with a good problem.
 Problems never stop.  These are simply exchanged or improved
 Happiness is found in problem solving, not avoidance.
 Real happiness comes only when you experience the problems and the solutions you enjoy.  Happiness is the problem for you and wants to solve them.
 Emotions are biological signals designed to lead you to beneficial change.
 Negative sensations are a sign that something unpleasant is happening.  They are a call to action.  Positive emotions are rewarded for taking the right action.
 We must question our feelings because they are not always right.
 Don’t ask yourself what you want out of life.  Want success and fame and happiness and fantastic sex.  Everyone wants these things. The more interesting question to ask yourself is, "What kind of pain do I need?"  What you are willing to fight for is a major determinant of what our lives should be like.
 You can’t just fall in love with the results.  Everyone likes the result.  You have to love the process.
 Rising to the top is an endless ingward spiral where new problems always arise and new processes that you should choose.  You are not allowed to stop the climb because the whole thing loves mountaineering.  If you never love to ride, the results will never come.
 Self-esteem itself, overlapping.  If you don't have a good reason to feel this way, it doesn't help you feel better about yourself.  Conflict makes self-esteem useful, not for participation trophies.
 Your problems are not privileged in their severity or suffering.  You are not unique in your suffering.
 The more we are opposed to the point of view, the more we begin to be disturbed that other perspectives exist.  This seems like a logical idea to me because before the Internet and our hyper-connected modern world, people are not much more likely to propagate such ideas in their own disagreements.  Today, alternative ideas are more likely to cross your radar screen.
 We are doing most of the things most of the time we do very average.  Even if you are exceptional at one thing, you are average or less chan than average in other things
 Our lives today are filled with information from the hourly curve of human experience with the best, the worst, the worst and the most annoying.  We only see the most extraordinary news as income from it grows.  This is a real problem when comparing because you can only be exceptional in one subject and you are going below average in almost every case.  This makes it a game that is very dangerous to play in comparison.
 The problem is that the proliferation of technology and mass marketing is ruining many people's expectations for themselves.
 One of the most detailed descriptions of masculinity in our culture is that the most valuable thing a person can achieve is sexuality and sacrificing almost anything to achieve it.  (The funny thing is that it matches a big female narrative, which can be the most beautiful of any woman))
 Exceptional people think in an average way and focus on improvement.  You will not become extraordinary just because you are awesome.
 The more uncomfortable the answer, the more likely it is to be true.
 Problems are inevitable, but that means resilience.  We need to control how our problems are for us based on how we think about them and how we measure them.  The way we measure success, we look at the problems we face.
 "Happiness is a false god. Research shows that people who over-indulge in their energies are more anxious, more emotionally unstable and more depressed. Happiness is the most patronizing form of life satisfaction and therefore the easiest to achieve and the easiest to lose."
 People who base their self-righteousness on being right about everything, refrain themselves from learning from their mistakes.
 "One day, in retrospect, years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" "- Simmond Fried
 People who think about it from others are actually terrified of all the negative things about which they reflect themselves.
 When we feel that we are choosing our problems, we feel empowered.  When we feel that our problems are being pressed against our wishes, we feel oppressed and dissatisfied.
 We do not always control what happens to us.  But we always control how we interpret what happens to us and how we react to it.
 Accepting responsibility for our problems is the first step in solving them.
 Many people are hesitant to take responsibility for their problems because they believe that being responsible for your problems is also wrong for your problems.  This is not true.  We are responsible for experiences that are not our fault all the time.  It is a part of life.
 People will often fight over who is responsible for success and happiness.  But it is even more important to take responsibility for our problems because this is where the real education comes from.
 Development is an endless process.  When we learn something new we are not “wrong” to “right”.  Rather, we move from wrong to less wrong.  We don’t need to find the final “right” answer for ourselves, but rather we should try to overcome the ways that are wrong today so that we can be less wrong tomorrow.
 Certainly the enemy of development.
 All beliefs are wrong - some are less wrong than others.
 Responsible Insights about Evil by Bumister: Some inferior criminals often feel good about themselves.  Low self-esteem was not always associated with bad deeds.
 The more you try to be sure about a particular problem, the more you will feel uncertain and insecure.
 The more uncertain you become and don't know, the more comfortable you will feel with what you know.
 The person who believes that he knows everything does not learn anything.
 Rainfall Prevention Rules: The more an issue threatens your identity, the more you can avoid it.  The more you look at yourself, the more danger you can avoid.
 If I think I am a good person, I can avoid situations that might contradict this belief.  If I think I’m a terrific kitchener, I’ll look for opportunities to prove myself again and again.  Faith always prevails.
 Manson's idea of ​​"killing yourself" is similar to Paul Graham's idea of ​​"keep your identity short".  The bottom line is that if you are not marked for protection, the change becomes very easy.
 For any change to come in your life you must admit that you were wrong about what you were doing before.
 "It's a sign of an educated mind that is capable of entertaining without taking any ideas."  -Aristotl
 If this sounds like world vs you, chances are it is you versus yourself.
 Your tendency to succeed is tied to the number of times you have failed.
 The amount given in our lives is limited because the goals are limited.  Once you achieve the goal, it can no longer provide happiness as soon as you cross the finish line.  Oddly enough, then, by choosing processes as your focus, you can maximize your overall, lifelong happiness by focusing on the process, not the goal.  The process never stops, meaning happiness can continue indefinitely.
 The action is not just the effect of inspiration;  The reason for this will also be to do something and follow the inspiration.
 How do you write a ton of books?  Enter "200 porn words daily" and you'll see that inspiration often comes from you.
 Mansion’s “do something” theory seems like the philosophy behind the 2 minute rule.  Now make it a bit smaller, so the cascade works well as a result.
 In order to truly appreciate something, you must limit it within yourself.  There is a certain level of joy and meaning that you can reach in life only if you have spent decades in the same relationship, the same craft, a single career.  And you cannot get that decade of investment without the options being knocked out.
 Signs of an unhealthy relationship are when two people try to solve each other's problems so that they feel good about themselves.
 Belief is the most important factor in any relationship for the sake of a simple relationship, that without faith, nothing really matters.
 Investing deeply in a person, a place, a job, an activity can deprive us of the breadth of the experience we love, but realizing the depth of experience allows us to enjoy the rewards of depth of experience.

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