How to create a habit forming product?

You get used to "little or no idea", but when you are used to A product or service - like a smartphone or Twitter becomes a habit. The company has a meaningful win behind it.  Marketers try to engineer the customer experience is so much that it gets ingrained by the success of a product. Loyal, habitual users are required smartphones, tablets and game.Marketers have two tools Continuous entry and detailed personal information through data
mining to publicize buyer behavior that gives them the most benefits.

Habituall advantage

Investors calculate the "Customer Lifetime Value" (CLTV) of a company to determine Its overall value.  CLTV is the amount a business hopes to make from one Single customer during his lifetime. The CLTV will be higher when more consumer use the product.  Since consumers incorporate a product into their daily lives, They become less resistant to its price increase.  Loyal users tell their friends About products that they enjoy regularly and recommend them through social networks. Companies wont offer to stay away from marketing competition. New
 Entrants find it difficult to change the embedded behavior of buyers, even if they developed a better product.  For example, keyboards still use QWERTY. The configuration, first designed for typewriters in the 1870s.  Better layout come to market, but they do not hold on.  Once people have mastered touch typing on the QWERTY keyboard, they are ready to learn a new one, even if more efficient, system. The "habitual zone" is the  sweet spot between frequency of a behavior and its "Perceived utility," ease and convenience of continued use.  Product and Services fall into two metaphor categories: "Vitamins and Pain Relievers." Vitamins are Nikotave, a satisfactory product that users cannot live without.  The people Feel good about taking vitamins, but will feel terrible if they don't miss a day.  The people
 Feel the pain if a painkiller product is out of reach.  when something
 becomes a habit, it hurts without it.  For example, some consumers cannot Imagine a morning without coffee or Twitter.

  "Hook model" All businesses use a fore-step process - hook model - to "hook" On their offerings to consumers.  Those who get addicted will use that offer repeatedly, making advertising and marketing less necessary.

Four steps of these models are:

  1 . "Trigger: Activator of behavior"
  Triggers spark your behavior.  They are telling people what action to take. Triggers are either external or internal.  When you see, smell, taste, hear or touch an external trigger, it clearly points towards a reaction for a particular act.  For example, the login button on the home page is an online trigger.

The outer triggers fall into four categories:

  "Paid" - Advertising consists of paid triggers.Companies gives advertisement to attract new customers and then converting them into loyal customers.

  "Earned" - Companies invest time and energy to  promoting an event or making a video in the hope that it will go viral.

  "Relationship" - Word of mouth recommendations from a person to other, or through social networks, are triggered relationships.

  "Owned" - With the permission of the user, a company can provide a reminder.
For example, a smartphone owner may allow an app to be sent to the company upgrade notice about its app.
 Internal triggers are subconscious associations between an action or feeling.  Thus, boredom makes you check your email.
Businesses exploit the pain of users based on the status of products or services . Consumers reach for habits and comfort products and services or solve their problems.  Businesses should understand the internal triggers that inspire people to use your products .So they can engage themselves on your products or services.

  2. “Action: The Behavior Done in Anticipation of a Reward”
The action is that which motivate the users to use. An award is expected.  In terms of habits, people act spontaneously, with almost no 
thought consciously.  Dr.  BJ Fogg researched at Stanford University to determinee what motivates people to act.  You can express their "fogg behavior". Formula "B = MAT" - that is, in the presence of "behavior"
Sufficientt "motivation," and "aptitude" plus "a trigger." 
 For example, you listen to Cellphone ring  If you inserted it under your handbag or briefcase, you can allow calls to voice mail.  Maybe your phone is set to silent and you never
 listen to the ring.  Some element of the formula is weak or missing, which prevents action by taking place.

  The Fogg group divides human motivators into three broad categories: "seeking happiness and
 to avoid pain, to seek hope and to avoid fear;  To seek and avoid social acceptance disapproval.  "Advertising capitalizes on these motivators. Sexual images in advertisements.Such as a  beautiful actresses who promote, they offer the promise of bliss.
 The tasks that make up the habits require little or no mental effort.  The action trigger Elite should reveal its simplest form.  Many successful digital networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google recognized its importance to make the user experience as simple as possible.  Evan Williams, one of the founder of Twitter and Blogger summarized this approach.  "Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a long time… Identify use modern technology to drive desire and action.  Conducting a search on "
 Google requires very little time or effort.  Ease of taking a photo with an iPhone made it a popular choice.
 Simplifying the decision-making process through "succession" or "mental" shortcut ”enhances the habit of your offerings.  Marketing
 heuristics include minimizing shortages, placing items on sale and shaping sales to make the environment a suitable reference.

3. “Variable Reward: The Hook’s Ability to Create a Craving”

 The craving is how the hook model makes you wish.  Once people act, they experiencee the relief of solving their problem or calming their urges.
 Research into reward behavior suggests that anticipation of a reward becomes active the nucleus of the brain accumbens, or pleasure center.  However, as people expect rewards, incentives start losing their charm.  Introduction to variable payment - that unexpected or intermittent rewards - revives activity in brain pleasure center.
Variable rewards come in three types: "tribe, hunting, and self." Tribe
rewards tap into the desire to connect socially and feel included.  social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter, and computer games.Thee League of Legends cleverly exploits this universal longing.  People come on facebook
repeatedly to see if their friends "like" their posts.  League of legends player set earning "honor points" in recognition of their fair conduct.
Hunting for food and shelter is a deeply human behavior, so hunt for rewards. Scrollingg online or on Pinterest gives rewards related to gathering "resources or information"
People feel compelled to overcome obstacles feelingss of achievement and performance satisfaction.  playing video game there is a clear expression of this need.  However, some products offer "infinite"  variability. "Even the most popular, exciting offerings become common. Continuous input is required to keep variable rewards Of new ideas, experiences and content.

“Investment: The User Does a Bit of Work”
When you try, you become more committed to your purchase.  People are more likely to develop a habit around a product or service when they invest in it. Even small investments of time or energy create strong bonds.

For example,
 IKEA knows that customers love their furniture more than when they collect it ready-made when they buy it. Once people are committed to a behavior, they are more likely to repeat it in the future.

 For example, people may be reluctant to make signs in their yard first.
Promoting a political candidate, but after the initial time, their resistance collapses. People avoid "cognitive dissonance", an established notion needs to be modified to fit in a comfortable context.  The taste of grapes declaring foxes is very sour.
 A classic example of cognitive dissonance when it cannot reach them.  In Product investment terms, people are ready to try some others
enjoy, such as drinking coffee or wine, even if their first taste is unpleasant. The more time and energy users invest in a product, the more likely it is keep using it.  Subtype of "stored value" as "content, data," followers, reputation and skill "keeps them hooked. For example, once people building a music library on iTunes, they are reluctant to leave and start again another provider.  When users post their resume on LinkedIn and add data on their profile, they are unlikely to switch to another site.  People work to build
good reputation on sites like eBay, TaskRabbit and Airbnb.  once they
achieved a high rating, they are refraining from giving it.

Hook model is circular - embedded external triggers encourage users return, strengthen their habits.  Displays the four stages of Pinterest
 Hook model in operation.  First, the site offers distraction from boredom
display a variety of attractive images.  New users enjoy browsing;
experience social connections through comments and postings.  As they pin chitra, his investment of time increases loyalty;  Their stored value maintains them click.  When other people contribute or comment on their posts, it provides an external trigger that maintains users through another cycle.

  Assess and follow up

  Advances in neuroscience, technological connectivity and large-scale collaboration more targeted and create behavioral techniques of data mining, marketing effective.  If you use the hook model, check your inspirations to make sure objectives are altruistic and you are not exploiting others for your benefit.

 The "Manipulation Matrix" is a staggering chart that helps you analyze your analysis the hook model is intended to be used.  Which quartile describes you?

 "The Facilitator" - manufacturers who believe that their product or service makes one positive contribution and who will use it themselves.
"The Peddler" - Sellers who believe their product is worth, but cannot be
use it yourself.  Advertising is an example of pedaling.
 "Entertainer" - It does not harm anyone to make art and create
distraction for people's enjoyment, but entertainment is a "hitdriven" business.
 "Dealer" - Manipulators who use their offerings as a way to make one
deer. Evaluate if your proposal has the ability to test your idea against the hook model.  How to constantly review your hook strategy to review your performance.  Experiment with new ideas and strategies, and analyze how good they are promote the behavior of the user you expect.  Use the thruststep "habit test" procedure for your analysis.  First, consider how often you expect a specific customer
to use its product, and includes general or excessive use. ahead,
classify this usage by estimating how many users you need to build your business successful. Then, modify your strategy to replace casual users with devotees.

About the Author
Nir  Eyal  is  a  video­gaming  industry  and  advertising  veteran.  He  writes,  speaks  and  teaches  about  applied
consumer psychology.

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